已发表期刊论文40多篇(SCI源刊论文30余篇,其中化工三大刊13篇)。受邀撰写英文专著2章,中文专著1章。已授权中国发明专利5项、美国发明专利4项。主持国家自然科学基金4项、国家重点研发计划课题1项、企业横向开发课题3项、“973”与“863”项目子课题各1项。培养毕业硕士生1名,协助培养毕业博士生1名、硕士生9名。2018中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖,“气液固多相反应器的非均相特性在线测量技术与工业应用”,排名2。2009中国石油和化学工业协会技术发明一等奖,“基于数值模拟的多相搅拌槽反应器设计和工业应用”,排名6。CEJ、Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.、CJCHE、Can. J. Chem. Eng.、Asia-Pac. J. Chem. Eng.、化工学报等国内外专业期刊审稿人。
1. Yiting Xiao,Li XY*, Shilong Ren, Zai-Sha Mao, Chao Yang*. Hydrodynamics of gas phase under typical industrial gassing rates in a gas-liquid stirred tank using intrusive image-based method. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 227, e115923.
2. Zhen Liu,Li XY*, Zai-Sha Mao, Shaojun Yuan, Chao Yang*. Hydrodynamics of gas phase in a shallow bubble column from in-line photography. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 221, e115703.
3. Wang HL,Li XY*, Mao ZS, Yang C*. New invasive image velocimetry applicable to dense multiphase flows and its application in solid-liquid suspensions.AIChE J,2019, 25(9), e16668.
4. Liu Yang,Li XY*, Chao Yang*,Shaojun Yuan.Design ofepichlorohydrin-oriented quaternary system separation via hybrid extraction-distillation process.Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2019,58(11): 4534–4545.
5. Yiting Xiao,Li XY*, Chao Yang*, et al.,Particle Scattering Photography Approach for Poorly Illuminated Multiphase Reactors. II: Experimental Validation and Optimization,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2018, 57(25), 8405-8412.
6. Yiting Xiao,Li XY*, Chao Yang*, et al., Particle Scattering Photography Approach for Poorly Illuminated Multiphase Reactors. I: Theoretical Model and Simulation,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2018, 57(25), 8396-8404.
7. Guanqi Wang,Li XY*, Chao Yang*, et al., New Vision Probe Based on Telecentric Photography and Its Demonstrative Applications in a Multiphase Stirred Reactor,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2017, 56(23), 6608-6617.
8. Shifang Yang,Li XY*, Chao Yang*, et al., Computational fluid dynamics simulation and experimental measurement of gas and solid holdup distributions in a gas-liquid-solid stirred reactor,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2016, 55(12), 3276-3286.
9.Li XY, Pingping Li, LiangzhuZu, et al., Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Characteristics with Microbubble Aeration – I. Standard Stirred Tank,Chem. Eng. Technol., 2016, 39(5), 945-952.
10.Li XY, Chao Yang*, Shifang Yang, et al., Fiber-Optical Sensors: Basics and Applications in Multiphase Reactors,Sensors, 2012, 12(9), 12519-12544.
11. Dang Cheng, Jingcai Cheng,Li XY, et al., Experimental study on gas-liquid-liquid macro-mixing in a stirred tank,Chem. Eng. Sci., 2012, 75, 256-266.
12. Liangzhu Zu, Hongbao Zhou, Shifang Yang,Li XY*, et al., Solid suspension and gas dispersion performance in a dual-impeller stirred tank bioreactor,J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 2015, 48(5), 360-366.
13. Shifang Yang,Li XY*, Gang Deng, et al., Application of KHX Impeller in a Low-Shear Stirred Bioreactor,Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 2014, 22(10), 1072-1077.
14. Xin Feng,Li XY, Jingcai Cheng, et al., Numerical simulation of liquid-liquid turbulent flow in a stirred tank with an explicit algebraic stress model,Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2013, 91(11), 2114-2121.
15. Tao Wang, Jingcai Cheng,Li XY, et al., Numerical Simulation of a Pitched-Blade Turbine Stirred Tank with Mirror Fluid Method,Can. J. Chem. Eng., 2013, 91(5), 902-914.
16. Xin Feng,Li XY, Jingcai Cheng, et al., Numerical simulation of solid-liquid turbulent flow in a stirred tank with a two-phase explicit algebraic stress model,Chem. Eng. Sci., 2012, 82, 272-284.
17. Xin Feng, Jingcai Cheng,Li XY, et al., Numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a baffled stirred tank with an explicit algebraic stress model,Chem. Eng. Sci.,2012,69(1), 30-44.
18.Li XY, Chao Yang, Guangji Zhang, et al., Experimental studies on suspension of solid particles in a low shear stirred vessel,Chem. Eng. Technol., 2011, 34(9): 1581-1586.
19. Zhao Yanchun,Li XY, Cheng Jingcai, et al., Experimental study on liquid-liquid macro-mixing in a stirred Tank,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2011, 50(10): 5952-5958.
20.Li XY, Chao Yang, Gengzhi Yu, et al., Experimental study on surface aerators stirred by triple impellers,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2009, 48(18), 8752-8756.
21.Li XY,Yuefa Wang,Gengzhi Yu,et al.,A volume- amending method to improve mass conservation of level set approach for incompressible two-phase flows,Sci. China Chem., 2008, 51(11): 1132-1140.
22.Li XY,Xin Feng, Chao Yang, et al., “Multiphase Stirred Tank”, Chapter 3, in:Numerical simulation of multiphase reactors with continuous liquid phase,Elsevier, 2014.
23. C Yang, Z-S Mao, T Wang,Li XY,et al., Numerical and Experimental Studies on Multiphase Flow in Stirred Tanks, in: Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer, Lixin Cheng and Dieter Mewes (Ed), Bentham Science Publishers, 2012.
2.杨超,李向阳,王冠琦,杨士芳,毛在砂,一种多相体系中颗粒浓度和粒径的在线测量方法,申请人:中国科学院过程工程研究所、南京九章化工科技有限公司,专利号:ZL 201610245330.6,授权日:2018年6月26日
3.杨超,李向阳,王浩亮,王冠琦,毛在砂,一种多相体系中颗粒速度的在线测量方法,申请人:中国科学院过程工程研究所、南京九章化工科技有限公司,专利号:ZL 201610244969.2,授权日:2018年8月10日
4.李向阳,杨超,毛在砂,一种测量多相流相含率分布的取样器和方法,中国发明专利,申请人:中国科学院过程工程研究所,南京九章化工科技有限公司,专利号:ZL 201510931458.3,授权日:2018年9月25日
6.杨超,李向阳,杨士芳,王冠琦,毛在砂,Immersion-Type Online Multiphase Measuring Instrument and Method,申请人:中国科学院过程工程研究所、南京九章化工科技有限公司,美国专利申请号:US 15/368,769,授权日:2018年11月1日
7.杨超,李向阳,王冠琦,杨士芳,毛在砂,Online Measuring Method of Concentration and Diameter of Particles in Multiphase System,申请人:中国科学院过程工程研究所、南京九章化工科技有限公司,美国专利申请号:US 15/368,838,授权日:2018年11月27日
8.杨超,李向阳,王浩亮,王冠琦,毛在砂,“Online Measuring Method of Particle Velocity in Multiphase System”,申请人:中国科学院过程工程研究所、南京九章化工科技有限公司,美国专利申请号:US 15/368,804,授权日:2019年1月14日
9.李向阳,杨超,肖依婷,毛在砂,“Method for Improving Identification Degree of Low-luminosity Dispersed-phase Particles in Multiphase System”,申请人:中国科学院过程工程研究所、南京九章化工科技有限公司,美国专利申请号:US 16/026,154,授权日:2019年8月14日.