Lecture Title:Getting started with literature review: A general guide for postgraduate research students
Date:19/6/2017, @ 10:30 am
Name:Dr. Yousef Faraj
Place:313meeting room, School of Chemical Eigineering, Wangjiang Campus

Dr. Faraj is currently a full-time teacher (Associate Professor) at the School of Chemical Engineering/Sichuan University. He holds a PhD from the University of Leeds/Institute of Particle Science and Engineering/UK, where he was also working for over 8 years and holding a number of responsibilities such as teaching and postgraduate research supervision, research management etc. He has been involved in a number of National, European and international joint research projects-consortium, comprises academic institutions and renowned leading international industries such as Shell, NEL, ITS, KEMA. He is currently an Associate Fellow of UK Higher Education Academy and holds a number of awards by IChemE, UK Higher Education Academy, Engineering and Physical Science Research Council and so on.