肖丹 教授/博导
四川大学教授,博士生导师。毕业于湖南大学分析化学专业,获得学士、硕士和博士学位,师从俞汝勤院士。2003年至今在四川大学化学工程学院、化学学院任教授,2013年至今在四川大学新能源与低碳技术研究院任教授。主要从事化学与生物传感器、色谱与毛细管电泳分离技术、新能源材料和化学教育等研究。曾主持参加过十余项国家和部省级项目以及教育部骨干教师基金,承担国家自然科学基金仪器专项和面上项目及省部级项目等多项研究项目,与多家企业进行多项技术开发合作项目;申报获得国家专利十余项;在SCI收录的学术期刊上发表论文350余篇。主要研究成果发表在 Nature Catalysis、Angewandte Chemie、Advanced Materials、Analytical Chemistry、Energy Storage Materials 等学术期刊。
国家自然科学基金面上项目 基于磷光共轭聚合物修饰二氧化硅室温磷光传感材料的爆炸物传感器 (80万元2013.1)
国家自然科学基金仪器专项高灵敏度多波长发光二极管阵列诱导荧光检测毛细管电泳复杂样品分析仪的研制 (120万元2010.1)
1.Jin Z, Li P, Meng Y, et al. Understanding the inter-site distance effect in single-atom catalysts for oxygen electroreduction[J].Nature Catalysis, 2021, 4: 615-622.
2.Chen X, Qin L, Sun J, et al. Phase transfer‐mediated degradation of ether‐based localized high‐concentration electrolytes in alkali metal batteries[J].Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 134: e202207018.
3.Chen X, Meng Y, Xiao D, et al. Tunning solvation structure in non-flammable, localized high-concentration electrolytes with enhanced stability towards all aluminum substrate-based K batteries[J].Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 61: 102923.
4.Du X Y, Meng Y, Yuan H, et al. High-entropy substitution: A strategy for advanced sodium-ion cathodes with high structural stability and superior mechanical properties[J].Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 56: 132-140.
5.Zhang Z, Meng Y, Xiao D. Tri-sites co-doping: An efficient strategy towards the realization of 4.6 V-LiCoO2with cyclic stability[J].Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 56: 443-456.
6.Chen X, Meng Y, Xiao D, et al. Tuning solvation structure in non-flammable, localized high-concentration electrolytes with enhanced stability towards all aluminum substrate-based K batteries[J].Energy Storage Materials, 2023: 102923.
7.Wang P, Meng Y, Wang Y, et al. Oxygen framework reconstruction by LiAlH4treatment enabling stable cycling of high-voltage LiCoO2[J].Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 44: 487-496.
8.Liu W X, Huang X C, Meng Y, et al. A hybrid solid-state electrolyte endows a Li metal battery with excellent cycling life at 120℃[J].Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11: 13446-13458.
9.Yang X S, Meng Y, Xiao D. Achievable fast charge transfer by tuning reasonable solid-electrolyte interphase structures[J].Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10: 24628-24638.
10.Li X, Meng Y, Chen X, et al. Nano-LiFePO4/C derived from gaseous-oxidation engineering-synthesized amorphous mesoporous nano-FePO4for high-rate Li-ion batteries[J].Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61: 9311-9321.
11.Li X, Du X, Xu Y, et al. Three‐Dimensional Holey Graphene Enwrapped Li3V2(PO4)3/N‐Doped Carbon Cathode for High‐Rate and Long‐Life Li‐Ion Batteries[J].ChemSusChem, 2022, 15(21): e202201459.
12.Qiu W, Chen X, Liu Y, et al. Confining intermediates within a catalytic nanoreactor facilitates nitrate-to-ammonia electrosynthesis[J].Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 315: 121548.
13.Li P, Jin Z, Qian Y, et al. Supramolecular confinement of single Cu atoms in hydrogel frameworks for oxygen reduction electrocatalysis with high atom utilization[J].Materials Today, 2020, 35: 78-86.
14.Li P, Jin Z, Peng L, et al. Stretchable all‐gel‐state fiber‐shaped supercapacitors enabled by macromolecularly interconnected 3D graphene/nanostructured conductive polymer hydrogels[J].Advanced Materials, 2018, 30: 1800124.
15.Jin Z, Li P, Jin Y, et al. Superficial-defect engineered nickel/iron oxide nanocrystals enable high-efficient flexible fiber battery[J].Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 13: 160-167.
16.Zhao Q, Zhang Y, Meng Y, et al. Phytic acid derived LiFePO4beyond theoretical capacity as high-energy density cathode for lithium ion battery[J].Nano Energy, 2017, 34: 408-420.